The counter time in the Holy Quran, a stylistic study

Document Type : Original Article




This research dealt with the subject of the unknown (vague) time, which is the opposite of the personality. The more time increases and progresses, the less time remains for the personality. Remembering this time constitutes a pressing force for man, and this pressure is in the form of intimidation for those who are negligent about worshiping God Almighty and doing good, and in the form of intimidation for those who are They fear Allah, the Most High, and are committed to His obedience and piety. And reminding of this time is often through anticipation, as the Holy Qur’anic text leaves the present to move to the future by mentioning the scenes of the Day of Resurrection and the aftermath of bliss or torment to remind, intimidate and suspense at the same time, each according to his actions, and by specifying that this day (The Day of Resurrection) or the day (the death of a person) is a time known to God Almighty only and unknown to man, so that man remains in a state of fear and anticipation and tries to strive to do good before it is too late. time
The obscure unknown, which is the anti-time, then studying this theme is a stylistic study by highlighting the formulas and methods that came with the theme of the anti-time and showing the intention of the Creator in choosing words and letters and highlighting the stylistic functions of the Holy Qur’anic text
