The Quranic Evidences in Al-Tabari's History for the Period of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

Document Type : Original Article


Al-Balqa Applied University



This is a study on the Quranic evidences in the book "History of the Prophets and Kings" by Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (D.310 Ah / 922 AD) for the period of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The study includes an introduction to the life of Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, covering his name, lineage, upbringing, scholarly status, works, and death. It also explores al-Tabari's methodology and style in his book "History of the Prophets and Kings." Additionally, the study examines the Quranic evidences cited by al-Tabari to support his historical accounts of the period of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
The study concluded that al-Tabari was one of the leading scholars, whose opinions were highly regarded and traced back to his knowledge and virtue. He had accumulated a wealth of knowledge that was unparalleled in his time, making him a scholar, jurist, and renowned historian. His book "Tarikh al-Rusul wal-Muluk" (History of the Prophets and Kings) is considered the first comprehensive historical work, documenting events of the first three centuries of Islamic history. Al-Tabari continued the tradition of his predecessors in recording historical events, regions, and notable figures.
The study also found that al-Tabari supported his narrations of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) era with a hundred and fifty verses, drawn from forty-five chapters of the Quran. This was done to add credibility to the narrations he presented. Those who came after him adopted his narrative approach in their works on hadith, biographies, military campaigns, .


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