The American-Saudi position on Egyptian-Syrian unity(1958 – 1961)

Document Type : Original Article




The study deals with the American-Saudi position on Egyptian-Syrian unity (1958-1961), and the study attempts to uncover the American-Saudi position on the establishment of the United Arab Republic? Did Riyadh’s point of view agree with Washington’s point of view on that unity? And what are the reasons for the disagreement and conflict between the king? Saud and Gamal Abdel Nasser? The study attempts to address the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s position on the many conspiracies through which the American administration tried to undermine Egyptian-Syrian unity, and how the US State Department and Central Intelligence tried to implicate King Saud in them? And how Washington tried to undermine the role of King Saud when he rejected that unity. It encouraged Prince Faisal to take charge of affairs in the Kingdom, but Prince Faisal quickly confronted the American plans forcefully and visited Cairo. The study also addresses the American-Saudi position on Syrian secession, and finally, was the Syrian secession due to foreign conspiracies or was the secession a response to decisions Nasser of socialism?