Social deprivation of children of begging families A field study

Document Type : Original Article



Feed represents the social deprivation of children worked a big challenge for many societies, both developing or developed by several factors including social mobility and constant rapid transformations and rapid changes and constant development which passed by some societies in General and particularly Iraqi society, these changes have led to fundamental changes in the form and functions of the family in terms of total Iraqi crises of wars and economic sanctions and the US occupation of Iraq after 2003 Moreover worsening economic conditions and high rates of poverty and deprivation captives And which directly reflected on the family and Iraqi system deficits and paralyzed the overall similarity, we have sought to identify the relationship between social deprivation and family breakdown of children by begging, as well as identify the kinds of social deprivation of children worked, in order to verify the deprivations suffered by these children, they had to choose a random sample (150) a child well as interviews with respondents, and they've been validated three hypotheses, by using the Law Kai square to get to the nature of the relationship between variables and function research has reached a set of conclusions:
1-   -that a higher percentage of male beggar families, their ages ranging from (7-9) years, and their parents were unemployed and living with their families in the rental house they share with other people and housing lacking minimum components and accessories Accommodation to live in.
2-   - Most worked for families are deprived of education, and feel less than others of the same age at all.
3-   - The results confirm that the family relationship of the children of the beggar is bad in bad relationship between father and mother, as well as sanctions against them under an atmosphere of anxiety and excitement.
4-   - Most families with children the beggar don't get a salary from the social protection network.
5-   - The beggar families stressed by beg leave if they work or provide them.

6-   - Exposed more children of the beggar to verbal and physical abuse by their families, with their assertion of rights by the lack of knowledge.eggar families, at different ages, and the search has adopted three hypotheses, through Identifying.

Main Subjects