The Transformation of Girl Representations: From Past to Present

Document Type : Original Article


Ain Shams University Faculty of Arts English Language and Literature Department


This research paper aims to study closely the evolvement of girl characters from past fairytales to present ones to suite our fast moving modern life changes in children’s picture books and movies with the female gender as the main central role around which the story revolves using feminism. The classic image of the beautiful princess icon has gone through drastic changes breaking all norms and old stereotypes both internally, in character, and externally, in features. This paper will bring together opposite girl figures from classical and more modern works to show how, why and in which areas did the transformation happen. Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White have changed to Merida, from Brave, Fiona, from Shrek and Anna and Elsa, from Frozen. With the 20th century a new Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White personality started to rise. Instead, we started to see modern girls like Merida, Fiona, Anna and Elsa who moved from the heroine position to the protagonist one. By bringing together old and new girl representations, we will be clearly able to see how the ‘New’ girl figure is much more empowering. She is not afraid nor intimidated to live her life the way she chooses to. Our girls today have more familiar characters they can not only relate to but also look up to and hold as role models in bravery and resilience. The past girl character presentation has been modified to a new modern girl character that is embraced and cherished.


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