The Jordanian Hashemite Testament on Jerusalem between the 1994 Moftah Al -Salam Agreement 2015

Document Type : Original Article



The Hashemite guardianship over the city of Jerusalem and the holy sites has deep historical roots, dating back to 1917. The Hashemite kings' guardianship continues to safeguard and guarantee the religious rights of Muslims and Christians In Jerusalem, as acknowledged by Jordan. Jordan considered Jerusalem of significant religious and national importance to Arabs and Muslims, approaching the city with this perspective. The study addresses the legitimacy and nature of the Hashemite guardianship's role in preserving Jerusalem and the holy sites until the 2015 agreement. It discusses the historical and legal status of Jerusalem, the role of Hashemite guardianship, and the religious endorsements supporting it. The study also examines Jerusalem's status under the 1994 peace agreement between Jordan and Israel, as well as the 2015 agreement with the occupying state, discussing the future role of Jordan in guardianship over the holy sites. The study concludes by assessing the legitimacy and flexibility of Jordanian guardianship over Jerusalem and its handling of Palestinian issues, emphasizing the 1994 treaty as an achievement for Jordan in safeguarding the rights of Arabs and Muslims. However, the 2015 agreement is portrayed as a setback, with the study highlighting Its negative aspects outweighing the positive ones.
