Ellipsis and Its Semantic Impact: A Study on Al-Munza Al-Badee' in Assimilating Stylistic Techniques of Eloquence, by Al-Sajjalmasi (After 704 AH/1305 CE)

Document Type : Original Article



This research examines "Ellipsis and Its Semantic Impact: A Study on Al-Munzir Al-Badee' in Assimilating Stylistic Techniques of Eloquence by Al-Sajjalmasi (After 704 AH/1305 CE)". The aim of the research is to clarify the mystery surrounding the journey of Al-Munzir Al-Badee' through studying ellipsis and its role, the resulting implications, and the various patterns of ellipsis employed by Al-Sajjalmasi. The research also explores Al-Sajjalmasi's methodology in analysis and preference, as well as his treatment of terms related to ellipsis. The significance of this research lies in the scholarly value of Al-Munzir Al-Badee' and the encyclopedic nature of Al-Sajjalmasi's work. It illuminates the path for researchers seeking the paths of development and creativity in rhetorical and critical issues. Al-Sajjalmasi, originating from a culture rooted in Greek traditions, was able to capture the human aspects of his methodology through Al-Munzir Al-Badee'. The research has reached several conclusions, including that Al-Sajjalmasi addressed ellipsis in Al-Munzir while discussing conciseness, similar to many rhetoricians and others who approached ellipsis from a rhetorical perspective. He treated ellipsis as one of the textual criteria, where the absence of structure generates semantic production and textual cohesion. Al-Sajjalmasi considers the condition of correctness in reduction as necessary, and any sufficiency or omission of this condition results in cutting the significance of the omitted or abandoned element. In such cases, ellipsis becomes more elaborate and distinguished structurally, highlighting its significance and exaggeration.
