The very short story between upbringing and style Summary

Document Type : Original Article


University of Baghdad / College of Languages


The very short story between upbringing and style


The research dealt with the idea of a new art that lived with modernity and contemporary with the development and caught up with the speed, so it spread more than it spread through social networking sites, so it captured the admiration of the young generation and tempted them to imitate and continue reading. This art is (the very short story), which quickly took its place due to its rapid circulation. In addition to his clear and direct style, which provides him with ease of understanding and speed of use, as well as his other characteristics of reduction, intensification, intellectual repercussions, astonishment and wisdom, which made him among the refineries of texts that tempt writing and imitation. It began to appear, and is it the result of works coming from the West, or is it rooted in ancient Arabic literature? Poetics and its role in storytelling, and in it we tried to study the procedures of the poetic language and how it is employed within the text, and whether it affected storytelling as it affects wider areas such as the novel and the story .... etc. As for the fourth axis, it focused on the mechanism of differentiation between the very short story and the thought or The memory mixes up on the writer and then on the reader, .


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