Sources of violence in Islamic thought And the attitude of modern Arab thought

Document Type : Original Article



This research is concerned with study of thinking and doctrinal origins which establish violence in Islamic thinking .No doubt the literatures of Islamic thinking referred to jurisprudence and interpretations and give an important space to the hadiths distributed in religious texts specially extreme thinking which we discuss here as it forms  experience to crystalize the violence in collective memory and subjects it to religious science .That cause the absence of  tolerance meaning in Quran text verses , delete it or deals with it according to human jurisprudence and political ideology logic .
Although the text has great inferences with rich various dimensions hard to reach as it is absolute has no beginning , no end ,out of any classification , it is reflection of divine matters that exceed all speeches and theological systems .
Thus the we have increased doubts from the violence appeared in our Islamic thinking , specially it is practiced in the name of reli9goun .Thus we had to explain in the research through modern thinking that violence in Islamic thinking is not from the religion from itself and it is for the self .In other meaning the religion is not violent but the religious thinking is the one who practice violence .
Does religious thinking made the violence ? Any religious reading  sees only ideological or sectarian difference .It is in fact violent reading .
Thus the modern thinking attempts to read the text is search for the movement of revelation historic movement in date of descend .

This study includes complete concept of Jihad (fight ) , the interpreters and scholars opinions on it , the evidence of sword and its influence on religious thinking , modern Arabic thinking from the call for fight and dealing with it according to historical analyses standards

Main Subjects