Excess in predestination: fatalism and Jehamism; A study of the significance of Terms and Concepts

Document Type : Original Article



This study examines human freedom in terms of its relationship to predestination and the ensuing responsibility of man towards his chosen acts, with emphasis on the significance of related terms and concepts. The study conceded in a caution against the suspicions and deviations that people may have about predestination as a result of misunderstanding or excessive thinking.
In the first two parts, the study dealt with the concept of belief in predestination (in terms of language and judiciary), and stating the opinions about it and the reason behind the sects` deviations and excessiveness, and how to conflict of man`s freedom and responsibility for his acts led to conflict between the Mutazilites fatalism and Jehami determinism.

In the third and forth parts, the study sheds light on the relevance between the Mutazilites and Jehamis, on the one hand, and stating the concept of fatalism and its significance to both: those who deny fatalism, and those who excessively attempt to prove, on the others, as concluded by the results of the first two parts.

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