The sons of Tamim in Khorasan and their role in the scientific movement From the beginning of the second century AH until the middle of the fifth century

Document Type : Original Article



The tribe of Tamim is one of the largest Arab tribes that migrated to Khorasan after the Islamic conquest in the first century Ah, and their sons participated in the scientific renaissance in Khorasan, especially in the first Abbasid era.
There are many Tamim scholars have had scientific trips such as, Hassan bin Mohammed al-Tamimi who died (213AH/ 828AD) and Ataba bin Khathaymah al-Nisabouri, who died (406AH/ 1015AD).

 There are many Tamim scholars in Khorasan in the religious sciences, such as Abu Mansur 'Abd al-Qaher ibn Taher al-Nisabouri died (429AH/ 1037AD), who was skillful in more than a science and art, including Hadith, literature, and poetry, and Ahmad ibn al-Harith al-Tamimi (died 430AH/ 1038AD) who was skillful in Hadith and grammar.

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