Bano Koraa And their political and military influence in the city during the Fatimid period

Document Type : Original Article



In this research, I have talked about Bani-Qura and their political and military effects in Burqa during Al-Fatimid period. The references, that I have, were not enough to write more about the beginning of coexisting of Bani-Qura Tribe in the city and its around, but there were some references which showed the great role of the tribe during the reign of Al-Caliph "Al-Hakem Bi-Amr Allah" (386-411Bh/ 996-1020 AD).
   Bin-Qura was the most tribes and the most powerful out of the Fatimid state, even the most Fatimid caliph who ruled by the command of "Al-Hakem Bi-Amr Allah" to beat them and more than kill them. Bani-Qura continued to declare their enemies to the Fatimids by taking the gifts sent between the rulers of Bani Ziri and the Fatimid Caliphs. The Berber tribes had a significant impact during that period.

This research is divided into two chapters. The first one focus on identifying the Bani-Qura tribe and its political effect leading the tribe headmen for ruling issues. Whereas the second one includes the military impacts which is represented by the participation of the Bani Qura tribe in the revolution of Abu Rikwa, which was one of the causes of the intensity and arbitrariness, but rather the killing that was inflicted upon it by the Fatimid caliph. This revolution has caused Al-Caliphate great loses in souls and possessions.

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