Exploring Pre-service EFL Teachers' Views of Reflective Practices in a Teaching Practicum

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor at the English Department, College of Science & Humanities, Shaqra University, Shaqra, KSA


This study aims to explore the views of Saudi EFL pre-service teachers regarding reflective practices in a teaching practicum. The research design follows Dolbeare and Schuman's framework (Schuman, 1982), which involved a series of three interviews with the participants. The first interview set the context of the participants' experiences, the second interview focused on reconstructing details within that context, and the third interview encouraged reflection on the meaning of those experiences (Seidman, 1998). Throughout the teaching practicum, the participants were also required to write weekly reflective journals. These journals captured their reflections on curriculum matters, class activities, and significant social and personal aspects during their teaching practice. The reflective journals were collected at the end of the semester to further explore the pre-service teachers' views on reflective practice. The results of the study provided insights into the specific aspects that pre-service teachers reflected upon during their practice, the different contexts in which they engaged in reflection, and their perceptions and comprehension of reflection as a concept. The findings contribute to our understanding of how pre-service teachers in Saudi Arabia approach and engage in reflective practices.


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