Poverty porn in charity advertising: A multimodal comparative analysis of Bait Al-Zakat Al-Masry’s advertisements in 2017 and 2023

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Language and Literature - Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), Ain Shams University


In Ramadan 2017, the advertisement of Bait Al-Zakat Al-Masry received an intense backlash for its poverty porn approach, which used disturbing images that invaded the privacy of the poor, pictured them in vulnerable situations, and depicted them as helpless individuals whose survival depends entirely on donations. As a result, the charity changed its advertising strategy for its Ramadan 2023 campaign, incorporating positive images, songs, actors, and public places. While the new ad successfully avoided poverty porn, some criticized it for not portraying the challenges faced by the poor and the strenuous efforts of Bait Al-Zakat Al-Masry. This study examines the linguistic and visual differences between the 2017 and 2023 ads, analyzes audience attitudes toward them, and discusses how charity advertisers can portray the plight of those in need without resorting to poverty porn. The study aims to guide charity advertisers in creating ethical ads while effectively raising funds and encourages further research on the ethics of charity advertising in Egypt.


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