The image of childhood and its artistic manifestations in modern Hebrew poetry Selected poetic models

Document Type : Original Article



This research sheds light on "The Image of Childhood and Its Artistic Manifestations in Modern Hebrew Poetry" selected poetic models. Likewise, knowing the details of childhood may explain to us why a poet frequently uses one image over another. There is no doubt that a person's childhood is the repository full of secrets and mysteries, and it is the world crowded with symbols and images engraved in the memory, and the poet, as a person sensitive to feelings and feelings, involuntarily withdraws towards the world of his childhood
And there is a fact that says that in childhood lies the sources of poetic talent, and knowledge of the secrets of childhood may explain to us why the writer frequently uses a literary image over others, and chooses a poetic sense and prefers it over another. Choosing poetic images over others is not a spontaneous act, but the writer empties into his verses what he found in his mind of experiences and impressions, often from childhood. In order to know the personality of the writer, it is necessary to go back to the roots of childhood, its sources, his upbringing, the events and memories it contained, and the positive or negative impact of these events and memories on his personality, which in turn was reflected in their literary productions.
This research discusses the persecution complex, this eternal complex suffered by the Jews throughout the successive decades of history, the personal circumstances and the religious education that the Hebrew writers received in their childhood, and reveals a huge system of psychological conflicts that the poets suffered from in the era of boyhood, such as the struggle of lost childhood, in addition to that The research studies the poet's life through his other poetic and literary works, through the poet's talk about his miserable life. In short, the research tries to highlight the same Hebrew writers, the subject of research, in particular in their poetic productions. These writers, "the subject of the research," drew a clear picture of the Jewish childhood of the injustice practiced by religious Jewish families on their children under the pretext of duties and taboos
The research included the definition of childhood and its employment in modern Hebrew poetry, and an overview of the biography of the Hebrew writers, the subject of research, their style and their literary position in a brief manner, and then we dealt with growing up and childhood in these poems by analyzing them and showing evidence that highlights that childhood alone is sufficient to explain the output of the writer, as the writer is the result of external and internal influences The syndrome that occurred to him during the course of his life. Among these influences are the environment, currents of culture, psychological dimensions, and other elements that make up the artistic creativity of the writer. And then the conclusions come at the end of the research.


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