The formation ways of the compounds and their functions in the Hebrew language

Document Type : Original Article



This study is a morphological-lexical study, and it refers to the role of the morphological and lexical aspects in the study of the language and highlighting the features of one of the linguistic phenomena in the Hebrew language, which is the phenomenon of "Compounding". This research examines a special type of names in the Hebrew language, which is the "compound name" from various aspects, namely: the meaning of the term "Compound", where the focus of this research is on the study of the assembly process that leads to the creation of complex names in particular, as well as referring to the most important characteristics of this type of names in the Hebrew language, also, the research refers to the most important opinions of Hebrew and non-Hebrew grammarians and linguists towards this linguistic phenomenon. The study also refers to a number of methods and mechanisms in which the "Compounds" are formulated in the Hebrew language, and to the identification of the most important characteristics of the relationship between the "Compound" and the "Idiomatic expression". Furthermore, the study also indicates the extent of the presence of names of this type in the texts of the Bible and the most important compound names mentioned in it. At the end of the study, the two researchers identified a number of linguistic roles performed by the compound names and the role of the compounds in the Hebrew lexicon and Hebrew literature.


Main Subjects