Naturalism in Yitzhak Shami's A novella (Revenge of the ancestors (

Document Type : Original Article



The doctrine of naturalism appeared in the sixties of the nineteenth century as a continuation of the realism tendency and an expression of feeling in historical and social conditions in the language known to societies in Western Europe.
Naturalism is a literary doctrine with an artistic style derived from realism, but it carries with it a philosophical character.
Thus, we can understand that naturalism is those external and social forces that impede human freedom, as opposed to the subconscious internal genetic forces that determine moral responsibility and human rationality, far from displaying aesthetic images, as it is closer to reality than imagination.
Naturalism looks at several axes, the most important of which are mental and psychological formation, environmental fatalism, customs and traditions.
Through his novel The Blessing of the Fathers, Shami emphasized these axes and explained to the reader that naturalism is what external forces affect the internal decisions of the individual


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