The grammatical term according to Abdul Qadir al-Baghdadi in the Treasury of Literature

Document Type : Original Article



Abdul Qadir bin Omar Al-Baghdadi is considered one of the most prominent figures of the language in the eleventh century AH, as he was known in the field of writing and indexing, and his book “The Treasury of Literature and Lub Lubab Al-Arab” has been the subject of independent attention since its writing until the present time.
The study aimed to clarify a candidate image for the grammatical term in the book Treasury of Literature, by reviewing a selected group of grammatical terms that appeared in the storage, according to the descriptive analytical model to reach the results, and given that Al-Baghdadi’s approach to analysis and presentation depends on surveying the opinions of grammarians, they are undoubtedly It will be the audio and video player for many visual and visual terms Just as it was comprehensive to some extent of the opinions of the Basrans such as Saybawayh, al-Mubarrad and others, it was comprehensive of the opinions of the Kufans such as al-Kisa’i, al-Farra’ and others, and therefore we will see a mixed approach in dealing with the grammatical term. During his discussion of the opinions of the Basrans we see him mentioning the visual term, and this was also the case in his discussion of the opinions of some of the Kufans and al-Farra’ in particular. The occurrence of the term once is evidence of its use, but it is not necessarily the main term.

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