The role of industrial factories andprotecting society from environmental pollution in light ofCurrent climate change A case study on Samsung Electronics Egypt factory in Beni Suief Governorate

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to identify the conditions of industrial facilities and the role they can play in preserving the natural environment and protecting society from environmental pollution, as well as shed light on the environmental policies of those facilities and clarify the risks of industrial pollution resulting from these facilities and their impact on society, economics, health, and the environment.
The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach using the case study method with the application of an interview guide to some officials specialized in the application of environmental programs in the industrial facility that was selected for the field application of the study, represented in the Samsung Electronics Egypt Beni Suef factory, where the study sample was represented in 15 officials in a deliberate way. The study resulted in a set of results, the most important of which are:
1-Samsung announced medium-term environmental strategies that include specific goals and action plans in order to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
2-Samsung Electronics policies seek to preserve biodiversity, recognise the benefits and importance of the ecosystem and biodiversity, and minimise impacts that harm biodiversity. They actively participate in ecosystem conservation initiatives.
3-Samsung's assertion that the priority at this time is climate action and the declaration and implementation of net zero carbon emissions
4-Samsung is moving away from the linear economy that involves consuming resources once and moving to a circular economy that uses resources efficiently by increasing recycling.
5-The results of the interviews showed that there is cooperation between Samsung and the government regarding the environmental file and compliance with environmental legislation.
Samsung seeks to reduce the environmental impact by taking into account all stages of the product life cycle, between product planning, development, manufacturing, use, and disposal.


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