Life, Death, and Resurrection By Epsen (A study of Play: When we, the dead, are resurrected)

Document Type : Original Article



There is no doubt that the life the dramatic writer lives imprints his dramatic works, whether he does it consciously or unintentionally during the stage of artistic creativity, despite taking into account objectivity in the presentation of the plot and dramatic characters, so that the subject does not become subjective. For example, we cannot recognize William Shakespeare through studying the play Hamlet, Othello, or King Lear, because of his ability to focus on the plot and characters of the dramatic work without involving himself in the subject.
During the researcher's study of the works of the writer Henrik Ibsen, he found that there is a close relationship between the writer and his dramatic works, in light of studying his life on one hand, and his dramatic works on the other.
Ibsen has suffered a lot from loneliness and alienation, so as he, subconsciously, could not break away from projecting his torment on his works; from here, the researcher linked his life with models of his dramatic plays, especially in his last play in question.
Epsen has pushed us to addressing humanitarian issues that raise many philosophical, social and psychological questions through this creative work, as the title of the play bears many puzzling questions that make the recipient or viewer plunder the awe of this exciting title. Epsen has embodied, and even revealed to us that there are human beings who live their lives in isolation, gloom, and sadness. They are thinking about the past and fear of the future! They always suffer and live in a frightening deadly silence, but they are thinking about the past in a desire to confine within the depths of their selves for the fear of confronting themselves and to escape thinking about tomorrow. That is because they do not have the human will that takes them out of the moral death they imposed on themselves to the true human life, or in a dramatic human sense, as the researcher explained, from moral death to salvation, new resurrection and getting normal life. There are those who found their salvation in liberation from the past through the human will the Creator granted to human beings, (such as the character of Maya), and those who found their salvation in suicide to escape moral death (such as the character of Robeck).

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