Uncirculated pottery from Khayt Qasem 1 site (Hamrin Basin), archaeological archaeological study

Document Type : Original Article



This research is study the " Scarlet Ware" Which represent one of the beautiful and the beast of pottery kinds Which belong to the pre history periods of Mesopotamia .This kind connect with the first predynastic periods of Mesopotamia and finished at this period . Therfore its standered made deserve study .

For these reasons in this research I studies the " Scrlet Ware " from Khit Qasim 1 site  in Hamrin basin Which comes with different beautiful decorations . I chose 49 of pots for studying .First its reflects many techniquel and articl facts connected with last periods especially Jemedat Nasar period .Second the different decorations reflect articl facts Which connected with natural enviroment in that region . Thrid I introduce suggestion for the relationship between Khit Qasim site and Abu Qasim site in Hamrin basin .

Main Subjects