Symmetry between Christianity and Islam from the West's point of view (the Spanish Orientalist view as a model)

Document Type : Original Article



This study seeks to determine the relationship between Christianity and Islam,Whether in similarity or difference ,from the Western Point of view , First , was never in competition with or intersected with Judaism and Christhristianity .On the contrary ,it called for Peaceful Coexistence and tolerance with other religions .However ,through the focus on the Spanish orientalism studies , the attempt of searching on the Similarity,the oriental studies Failed to find points of Similarity between the two religions , because –in Islamic perspective –Christianity has moved away from the axis of true religions ,which is according to Islamic belief ;believe in God alone through its or deification of Christ ,peace be upon him ,and thus deviated from the Qur,anic  perception of true Christianity based onwisdom and knowledge of what God Almighty wanted of monotheism and worship .
This study came out with a number of results ,   the most important of which is :that the Similarity between Christianity and Islam leads to the exis of true religions ,which is belief in God alone and deity an extremist evangelical doctrine that deviates from servants in worshiping Him and unitiing Him . In addition to  the fact that all religions come from the desncedants of the Prophet Abraham ,peace be upon him from his desncedants of the  prophet Abraham , peace be upon him from his desncedants came the religion ,peace be upon them both , and than Islam that the prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him )brought ,and the Book of God is the Holny Quran , confirming with the Holny books (the Torah and the Gospel )that God Almighty chose that prohets to complement each other and belive in most of the messengers mentioned in these.