Scenography between the formative image and theatrical requirements

Document Type : Original Article



The subject of the research (scenography between the formality of the image and the requirements of the theatrical presentation) is one of the important topics that discuss the scenographic aspects that affect the formation of the image in the theatrical presentation, especially since there are variables in the extent of the audience's understanding of the concept of visual dialogue on stage when the dialogue is non-verbal (the presentation is silent Or that the recipient does not understand the language of the theatrical performance because he does not belong to the language in which the theatrical performance is presented, The research seeks to shed light on the outputs achieved as a result of the process of uncovering the effect of scenography between the formality of the image and the requirements of the theatrical presentation, which is accompanied by some technical measures that contribute to some extent in revealing some of the implications implicit in the theatrical presentation, and the research came with two chapters, in the first of which the researcher addressed the research problem And the need for it, and the researcher sought in the research problem to answer the following question: Are there scenographic dimensions in the formation of the theatrical image of the theatrical performance ?, Here, the importance of the research appears as it seeks to uncover a topic that overlaps to some extent with modern directorial methods as well as modern technologies and creative designs that have a great impact on the work of the scenography and contribute to the delivery of the image to the recipient, and accordingly, the goal of the research will be determined to identify the procedural mechanisms in the process of designing and shaping the scenography between The plasticity of the image and the requirements of the theatrical presentation, while the researcher devoted the second chapter to building the theoretical framework for the research, and it included two topics, the first is the concept of scenography, and the second is the elements of plastic art in the theatrical presentation, while the third chapter was devoted to the procedural field where the method of research, the research sample and the analysis of the sample that was represented Presenting the disease of the Democratic East, on the text of "Al Horassi", written by Heiner Miller, directed by Haitham Abdel Razzaq, Which was shown in the Department of Theatrical Arts in Baghdad - Iraq, in 2009, and in the fourth chapter the researcher presented his findings and discussed them, and the research was concluded with recommendations, proposals and a list of references and sources