Cybersecurity challenges and threats and how to overcome them

Document Type : Original Article



The current research aimed to monitor some of the challenges and threats facing cybersecurity at the present time. The research also aimed to provide a set of procedures and recommendations for how to overcome these challenges and threats, mitigate their severity, or reduce their number.This required shedding light on what cybersecurity is, in terms of: definition, objectives, and importance. As a prelude to all of this, the concept of security was defined, its importance clarified, and its types presented.Also, cybercrime was defined and some of its characteristics and methods were identified.The research was considered a library theoretical research and a type of qualitative descriptive research that aimed to describe the phenomenon that is the subject of research through writings and literature (such as: books, research and scientific theses) available on the subject.One of the most important results of the research is monitoring some of the challenges and threats facing cybersecurity at the present time, and presenting a set of procedures and recommendations for how to overcome them.


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