Mecca and Medina in the Journey of Joseph Pitts "the First Englishman to make a pilgrimage to Mecca and write about its conditions in the Seventeenth Century"

Document Type : Original Article



The importance of Joseph pitts' journey in his being the first English traveler to visit and write about the conditions of Mecca, Medina , as well as his accurate description of the Route of Hajj, conditions in Mecca and Medina, as well as the African pilgrimage route, which is the first traveler to describe this path despite his young age on his journey to Hajj, but he was able to write for us a wonderful book describing to us the Hajj and the conditions in Makkah and Madinah, so this research came to talk about the conditions of Makkah and Madinah mentioned in the journey of Joseph pitts.
The research offered a glimpse into pitts life before he was capturing, and his family and origins were talked about, and his passion for the sea and navigation led to his capture in North Africa to become a slave to be bought and sold and this matter was apparent in this period of time in the East-West conflict. After selling more than once, he settled with an elderly man, and this man forced him to accompany him to the Hajj.
pitts described his journey from Algeria to Egypt and he is the first to write about the road between Algeria and Egypt, and described the conditions in Algeria before his departure on the pilgrimage trip and the arrangements made by the pilgrim before the departure. He described Alexandria, Cairo and the sea route to Rabigh, describes the Ihram clothing and continues to describe On the way until the pilgrims arrive in Jeddah, which is a day's walk from Mecca.
pitts gives us an accurate description of the rituals of Hajj and describes the alharam and the nave of the Kaaba from the outside and inside where he had the opportunity to enter the hollow of the alkaeba. Original England, he abandoned the Islamic religion after his arrival in the Holy Land as he describes it.

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