Ruling that is not permissible because it is not permissible.. In Arabic grammar

Document Type : Original Article



I tried in the light of a search (a ruling that is not permissible for the illegality of others) to shed light on a subject to which the pens of the researchers were only slightly extended, and this provision is closely related to the original ruling (which is not permissible), but there is a precise difference between them. In the research, the definition of this provision was defined as a language, a term and an understanding, based on the few sources that I mentioned, and I subsequently devised various questions on different grammatical sections. With the scientific method followed, that my choice of these issues is all that I have been helped by the time and effort of research, but by way of striking examples that are intended only detection and clarification, not counting and investigation, and does not execute a researcher after me if you look at issues of grammar other. And my sense that I knocked a door in Arabic grammar was referred to by passing signals

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