The Co-Existence of Dichotomous Realms: A Study of Ron Arias’ The Road to Tamazuncahle

Document Type : Original Article


* Department of English, Faculty of Education - Tanta University


The present study Examines the way Ron Arias' (the Road to Tamazunchale (1975) appropriates the magical realist mode of storytelling to explore the coexistence of dichotomous realms rooted in the cross – racial encounters of mainstream culture and resistant consciousness .Seizing on the prominent tendencies of the dominant culture to suppress the narrative of the marginalized in order to fix the image of the "subaltern" ,Arias seek to disrupt mainstream binary categories postulated on exclusion and purity .Faus to , his dying protagonist ,embarks on a mental journey in which irreducible boundaries between the real and the unreal ,life and death and past and present are dissolved .Accordingly , logical ,linearity is broken and he ably deconstruct dominant dichotomous structures of oppressive powers and transcends mortality ,thereby  , he creates life in its fullest human sense to reflect the native culture concept of the cycle of life and death ,as well as rebirth repeated unendingly and to secure a voice to the marginalized subaltern  .