The Effect of Verbs Substitution over the Cohesion of the Qur’anic Text

Document Type : Original Article



The concept of substitution, in general, and the verbs substitution, in particulars, are considered by text scholars. It is a subject of disagreement  in the modern applied researches. My  research seeks to define what distinguish this substitution, through the analysis and stud, and determines the extent of similarity and differences between items of verbs substitution and other items for the textual cohesion, i.e. Referral and Recurence.
The research discussed the nature of the verbs substitution between limitedness and expansion, the textual relation between the verbs substitution and the other textual elements. The research also discussed the realization of the verbs substitution in the Holy Qur’an, images and characteristics thereof. It has also discusswd the collaboration of the verbs substitution with the cohesion elements in the Holy Qur’an. It has discussed the coupling of the verbs substitution with other textual elements in some verses of the Holy Qur’an-alone or with other textual elements- in order to achieve the textual cohesion among the verses, with a brief suitable for the context and the diversity of structure and style.

This research tries to find textual interpretation of the Holy Qur’an based on the data of the text syntax, It may reveal new significances in the Qur’an interpretation, and  highlight the textual and structural phenomena learned from the study of the qur’anic tactual interpretation.

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