The Secularist Trend in the poetry of Ziya Gökalp

Document Type : Original Article



Secularism emerged following the French Revolution in 1789. Hence, France was the first state to establish a regimeaccording to the principles of secularist thought. Secularism appeared following a fierce struggle with Catholic Church which had a total sovereignty upon society. This struggle led to  the philosophy that called to separate religion from State.
   Islamic Countries witnessed  some Intellectual attempts that raised the slogan of secularism. These attempts were adopted by some intellectuals who were impressed by norms of  Western Civilization. The Weakness of Islamic Calphate and its collapse in March 1924  gave more strength to secularism. Mustafa Kamal Atatürk’s establishment of  secularist political regime is the practical political  manifestation of Secularism.
   This study aims at shedding light upon the poems that called for secularism in the Diwan of Yeni Hayat in Particular.

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