Africa and the innate peace of its people

Document Type : Original Article



studies show that the nature and the behavior of African people to live in peace are intrinsic in them. It was proofed in the 1st sub-chapter that the African nations are linked to one root which is ( Ham son of Noah ) Peace be upon him. according to the sources and the authentic Hadith which is accepted, as the continent nowadays holds many ethnics as a result of different grandparents which cause different degrees of colors which was mentioned in the prophetic Hadith ( I was sent to the black ) so it is clear, the color of the majority of the continent which Sudan and Abyssinia. it is obvious in Arabic that the text includes others from the people of the continent.  2nd and 3rd sub-chapters were to clarify the meaning of Abyssinia and it for all people in Africa by the logical evidence and narrated evidence. then the 4th sub-chapter shows the matching between the narrated and reality these days. and the Prophet ( Peace and blessing be upon him ) knew the behavior of the Abyssinia by knowing their nature when he said ( O Omar leave them they are people of Arfuda ) scholars explained the behavior of African people like to have fun according of the effect of the weather and the nature of their land. And finally, through studying the history of the African people it is apparent from their dealings that they follow principles of benefiting, and living in peace with others