The application of geographic information systems on the site of the city of Ashur

Document Type : Original Article



The archaeological researcher can use modern scientific programs and techniques to reach the required results in his research. Modern technical developments have helped facilitate surveying, documentation and archaeological mapping and reduce a lot of effort and money needed for that, and from this standpoint we have sought to take advantage of geographic information systems to be of assistance to us in documenting  He surveyed the site of the ancient city of Ashur, the first capital of the Assyrians, and the clear evidence of the greatness of this empire.  Aid to all researchers and excavators in the remains of the archaeological city, and we shed light on everything important in this city.  And analysis of the city's location from satellite visuals using the arcmap program and Imag of Google earth  and Landsat Imag, and a dem file with a resolution of 30 m to produce a contour map and make a base map of the site and give detailed symbols to clarify the results of interpreting the morphology of the city site.                    
