Time in summoning poems: A reading of temporal phenomena in Mahmoud Darwish's poem (I and Jamil Buthaina)

Document Type : Original Article



The summoning poems depend on summoning historical figures with suggestive weight to indirectly display the meaning, and despite the valuable objective advantages that characterize this type, the case of recall poses technical problems because the text is based on the duality of discourse and temporal transformations, and this research aims to address the element of time. In summoning poems based on Heidegger’s existential phenomenology, and he proceeded from the abandonment of summoning poetry from real time to link the text with an existential temporal context that enables it to mix times, and the research sought to reveal the temporal phenomena related to summoning poetry by studying time in the text (I and Jamil Buthaina) by Mahmoud Darwish to determine its elements and their impact on the meaning, quality of time, the actual time of the text and the time of the textual vision. Critics have assumed that summoning poems are based on summoning characters from the past to the present, but this assumption does not clarify the actual time of the poem and it is also not correct for two reasons: the present and the past do not give the original time, and the meaning of the recall does not appear in the text in the sense of the invitation but rather in the sense of synchronization, because its strong presence that has not weakened since it first appeared.