Hate speech in the Iraqi media

Document Type : Original Article



The current research (Speech of Hate in the Iraqi media) discusses a controversial issue among defenders of freedom of expression and those who believe that freedom of expression is restricted within ethical limits that should not be exceeded. It aims to examine the Iraqi media discourse in terms of the existence or absence of the hatred by answering of two questions, the first one related to the tone of media speech, whereas the second one related to the degree of hatred in the messages that is produced by those means. The researcher uses the survey method to describe and analyze the television programs speech which covers a year after the fall of Mosul by the organization of (ISIS) in June 2014. The contents of these programs were analyzed based on 'SOVA' model indicators.The results of the programs that were analyzed reveal the dominance of the monetary and propaganda tone on the path of the communication messages, Moreover the professional lack of preparers and providers of these programs. Furthermore the degree of hatred is classifies of the second and the third type that means it from the medium and light type, as the use of stereotypes, reduction and personality.
At the end of the research, it concluded to a number of recommendations, which are directed to the state legislative and executive, mass media institutions, and to civil society organizations. The most important points concluded to that, first the government should obligate its employees to stay away from statements that would raise discrimination and promote hatred. Moreover media organizations should determine instructions for people who are hosted by them in a way that does not interfere with the right to freedom of expression and human rights, which prohibit the prohibition of hate speech. Second, the interviewers should adhere to quality standards and avoid confusion between information and opinion and bias in their coverage and don't focus on the suffering of one party without the other.


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