The Sociolinguistic, Semantic and Stylistic Study of the Concept of Colour in Selected English Novels

Document Type : Original Article


Anbar General Directorate of Education


This study is concerned with exploring the social, cultural, semantic and stylistic significances of the use of colour in two selected English novels. It is obviously known that each society and culture has its particular features whose distinguished it than others since even in one society there is different cultural aspects, concepts, thought, ideology, symbols, style in live and communication that make one community and social class differ from others.
Therefore, the differentiated study between colour significance within two English novels from linguistic points of view will enable us to know what each novel has its colour concept because language, culture, society, meaning, style reflect a particular with whole its features.
This study is concerned with attempting to differentiate between what is unclear of colour in language; novel language has a certain use to the colour which is distinguished than other kind of literature. The analysis of selected English novels explore the socio-cultural, semantic, stylistic significances of the use of colour in prescribed novels which are: The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne and The Great Gatsby by F . Scott Fitzgerald.
This study will specifically deal with colours and their social aspects, their denotation and connotation and their stylistic point of view concerning their features in these selected English novels


Main Subjects