the impact of the program ( the twenty keys of thinking) in developing the cognitive process that associated with creativity among students of the university of technology information and communications

Document Type : Original Article



In order to Keep pace with development and time in the field of teaching thinking and creativity through the Cognitive abilities of the individuals and the possibility to develop and strengthening this ability to increases its dynamic interaction with the needs of the time we are in need to enrichment Programs to reach a better homeland. The research sample consist of (100) students, each department consist of (50) students, the sample divided randomly into two control group and two experimental group that has the same Chronological age and Academic achievement and intelligence the program (keys of thinking ) was build according to Tony Ryan’s strategies that depends on the scale of cognitive process that associated with creativity for Miller 2009 after translating it and after application the program on the two experimental group as both before and after test.

Main Subjects