The impact of the dialectical relationship between the media and political systems on the shape structural Media in Iraq A comparative analysis

Document Type : Original Article



Researcher form of political and media systems in Iraq.
Political and media system in Iraq form for the periods.
before the US occupation on the ninth of April 2003.
Where the political system of one - party system.
 and the system 's media ownership system of government and head, while the second period begins after the US occupation of Iraq, where the occupation authority Bud political and media the two systems, and restructuring within the visions and directives and laws as seen by the US occupiers.
The researcher reached to the results of which the government before the occupation appoint leaders and media.
 assume the expenses and financing of these institutions, and all media institutions owned by the state, while media ownership pattern later became the ninth of April polymorphic (private -government - the party) as well as the enactment of laws Media give the media a sovereign and away from the state.

administration (this theory).

Main Subjects