The social reality of imprisonment in the era of Islam and the caliphate

Document Type : Original Article



1-   confinement was a project agreement, a decision of scholars in the Quran and Sunnah and the consensus.
2-   is not a priority among other types of discretionary it's like punishment forced backup.
3-   solitary specie A first type of ta'zir and purpose of deterrence and discipline and reform. B McCann to authenticate.
4-   prison at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was not as it is now, as well as the era of the first caliph Abu Bakr (ra), but the first prison in Mecca was in Ahadalhalifa Omar ibn al-Khattab (ra) and the first prison built in Islam in the era Caliph Ali (ra) in Kufa.
5-   available in the Islamic prisons all means of comfort and ventilation, nutrition and Mahavdh on public and mental health. Unlike the old prison were very bad.
6-   msaadh prisoner to return to the same new community   
7-   Muslims interested in the classification of prisons and prisoners, having regard to the sex, age and the homogeneity of the crimes and the sentence.

8-   The goal of Islam is in prison reform and adjustment, deterrence and repent while in earlier eras is the revenge of the offender and the nation.

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