The bases on which Imam Makkī bin 'abī Tālib built his guidance for the rules of Quranic drawing through his interpretation of „al-Hidāyā īlā Bilūġ an-nihāyā“ (Guidance to reach the end).

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims to collate the bases on which Imam Makkī built his explanations for the rules of Ottoman drawing, which are scattered between the phrases and lines of the book „al-Hidāyā īlā Bilūġ an-nihāyā“ (Guidance to reach the end). He reveals the author’s efforts in the science of drawing the Qur’an with clarification of the added directives and explanations that have scientific value.
I followed therefore the descriptive and analytical inductive method, as the nature of the research requires extrapolation of the bases on which Imam Makkī identified the drawing phenomena, then described and analyzed them in order to achieve the purpose and the goal of the research. The research showed the importance of the book „al-Hidāyā īlā Bilūġ an-nihāyā“ (Guidance to reach the end) and its place among the interpretation, language and readings books. It showed also that Imam Makkī bin 'abī Tālib is one of the prominent scientists who combined authorship in various sciences such as interpretation, readings, language, etc., and revealed the multiplicity of bases upon which Makkī bin 'abī Tālib set his instructions of the Quranic drawing. So that it reached eleven bases, and indicated that the directives of Imam Makkī bin 'abī Tālib for the phenomena of Quranic drawing are mostly linguistic instructions, not philosophical or moral.


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