The Intellectual Attitudes of David Grossman

Document Type : Original Article



Left-wing movements appeared later to look for resolutions for the Arab-Israeli conflict in peaceful ways and away from blood sheds and wars. This movement brought a generation of litterateurs and authors such as Amous Aouz, A.B. Yaho Showa and David Grossman who dedicated their lives through their literary works to settle the Arab-Israeli conflict on both sides as the accent of conflict remained the only feature in this relationship and the overwhelming on the greater part of Israeli literary works. Moreover, the Israeli literature was first busy in managing, increasing, and inflaming conflict, neglecting at the same time the social side and the different social issue within Israel.

It was much interesting to find a writer such as David Grossman who abandoned completely the talk about any political, religious, or ideological issue that involved the Arab-Israeli conflict and concerned only with social topics such as family disintegration, children eloping from home, deviation, and parents’ negligence of children who are drugs-addicts and became easy hunt for gangs.

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