The text and context in Al-Suyuti Book “ Mu’tarak Al-Aqran fi Ijaz Al-Quran”

Document Type : Original Article



The present research aims at studying how Al-Suyuti links between the Quranic text and context through several issues by which he clarifies the interaction happening between them, which includes his efforts in the framework of pragmatics as it concerns the relationship between text and context.
The research also expresses the way that Al-Suyuti used the context to understand every little detail in the Quranic text the way that the narrators use the context to understand the communicative processes. Al-Suyuti goes beyond the partial view represented in understanding the traditional linguistic rules to the holistic view through the  interest in the context data to understand the text.
It was appeared through the survey of context role and its importance in the book “ Mu’tarak Al-Aqran fi Ijaz Al-Quran” that Al-Suyuti discussed this role and its importance through the following three axes:
First Axis: The context role in a word selection not another.
Second Axis: The context role to select the Quranic verse ending.

Third Axis: The context role in the change that appears when a story is repeated

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