Techniques of translating Poetic text from Arabic into Persian (Torment of Al Hallaj Poem by Al Bayati as a model)

Document Type : Original Article



The translation of poetry is consider as one of literary translations' types, which occupies a special position between other types of translations. Opinions were varied about how to translate it; should it be translated as poetry or prose? The study aims to examine techniques of translating poetic text from Arabic into Persian (Torment of Al Hallaj poem by Al Bayati as a model). The study was divided into two sections; the first section was about analyzing and criticizing the Torment of Al Hallaj poem and its Persian translation in accordance with Eugene Nida model. The second section was about studying the direct and indirect translation techniques. The study concluded to many results, one of it is that the translator succeeded in transferring the meaning of the poetic text and its translation. He tried not only to transfer the poetry as it was written by Al-Bayati, but also tried to follow the footsteps of Al Bayati in translating the poetic text. The misreading of idioms, pronunciation and words lead to mistakes in translation. The translator adopted a set of techniques founded by Fini and Darpellny whether it was direct or indirect techniques such as; simulation, literal translation and substitution and others. In addition to many other results mentioned in the conclusion.

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