Attempts of the Safavid - European coalition Against the Ottoman Empire 1530- 1508

Document Type : Original Article



First of all the arising of Safawy state in 1501 because of its founder AL shah Ismail Alsafawy during the following years to spread his authority on Iran and extended at the expense of another nearby areas to his state, he controlled on Dyar Baker in 1508 because of its strategic location therefore his north state borders became nearby the borders of Ottoman state that made military confrontation between two states in reality and no way, Al Shah sought to be allied with European states against Ottoman state to strengthen his position if war occurred between two states. He also insisted on being allied with European states after his defeat at Galderan Battle in 1514, then he concluded treaty with Portugal in 1515 and sent his ambassadors to kings of Hungary and Holland in 1518 to Emperor of Germany 1518 who accepted Al shah Ismail request so he sent his envoes to Iran, but he arrived after Al shah death.

Although of both party desire Safawy and European to made alliance deduced Ottoman Empire but the negotiation between them showed it was so difficult because of many obstacles that couldn't be overcome such as long distance between both party and mutual letters took sometimes two years, all these made all attempts were failed.

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