The aesthetics of the place in the novel of " Extension/ Al-Mad" for Samiha Khorais An analytical study

Document Type : Original Article



This study entitled " the aesthetics of the place in the novel of " Extension/ Al-Mad" for Samiha Khorais" aimed at identifying the aesthetics of the place and their types in the targeted novel. The study did so by demonstrating the meaning of place linguistically and conceptually, then addressing the place types mentioned in the novel, including open and closed places, as well as the extent to which they are related to the reality of place and its various indicators in order to come up with a specific vision that reflects the aesthetics of the place and its nature in the poetry of Samiha Khorais, and does the place actually reflects the novel's folk and characters. The study used the descriptive analytical approach by identifying the aesthetics of the place and linking them with the events and characters of the text as well as its indication.
The results revealed that the domains of place varied among the open and closed domains. These places reflected the psychological, social, intellectual and religious aspects of the characters' lives, in addition to reflecting the cultural and architectural image of the place. In the light of the results,  the study recommended the necessity  of giving the Arab feminist novel in general, and the Jordanian novel in particular, more investigation within the scientific researches.


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