The phenomenon of profiteering among the poets of the Fatimid state

Document Type : Original Article



The phenomenon of gaining is one of poetry prominent features since its beginnings where poetry purposes since the pre-Islamic era , and remained to our present era. If the poet wanted gifts from the praised, he praises him in his poems, and this praise of him for the personality of the praised person was either true or lie with exaggeration in order to get closer to the praised one and obtain his gifts.
What we will look at in this research is how poets' gaining at the  Fatimid state era reached the point of atheism. Some of the poets reached the limit to portrayed  Fatimid Caliph or one of his notables with attributes that approximate the attributes the Mighty of Allah, and his prophets and messengers to be close to the court of the Fatimid Caliph, and this what this study will reveal within the following topics.

In addition to the foregoing, this study will discuss an important aspect among the poets of the acquisition in the Fatimid era, which is that the acquisition of these poets to a large extent in exaggeration in atheism, and that was their way to reach their desire "morally and materially", although in that exit On religion and sound beliefs, which is something that the researcher can demonstrate based on the descriptive and analytical approach to this phenomenon.


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