Initial confrontation and its relationship to self-control among university teachers

Document Type : Original Article



the curret research aims at studying the relation between proactive coping and self- control  a mong the university lecturers. for the theortical section several theories have been shown for both variables. for the procedures the researcher adopted  Greenglass & (1999) scale to measure proactive coping which was developed in accordance with cognitive persepective within positive psychology. for the second variable  a scale of self- control has been developed in accordance with Bandura s social learning theory، The two scales have been applied on (128)male and female lecturers in the university. Discrimination, the relation between item and a ggregate scors of both scales.Cronbach s alpha of both scales have been computed. The research showed that the university lecturers have proactive coping and there is a signficant difference in accordence with gender in favor of males. The results have indicated  that university lectureres have self- control and there is a significant difference in accordance of gender in favor of males. for the correlational relation it has been shown that there is a significant positive  relation between the two variables. The research  resulted in several recommondations and suggestions.

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