A study of the mosaic of Neptune and the Four Seasons preserved in the Bardo Museum in Tunis

Document Type : Original Article



Neptune Mosaic and the Four Seasons (Horai) Preserved at Bardo Museum at Tunisia is considered the first known example of the embodiment of the seasonal rural activities and works in the Roman Art, as it is unique because of the innovative combination of traditional themes and decorations, and is considered one of the early examples that portray the four seasons (Horai), which was one of the Romanian Art’s favorite subjects. So the objectives of the analytical study are; to try to interpret the mosaic and its symbolism, and to answer some questions such as; Are there any distinctive features of the Horai scenes in the mosaic of Africa that distinguish them from those depicted in the rest of the Roman world?
The study was based on the descriptive approach as well as the comparative analytical approach. Scientific references that handled this subject directly or indirect have been used, The study reached several results, the most important of which are: there were various models of Horai depiction in the Roman Art in general, but it was distinguished in North African mosaic in particular through distinctive artistic features where the artist was able to express the allocations of the different four seasons.

Main Subjects