Frameworks for addressing news programs presented on specialized Arab satellite channels for the democratic transition in Egypt and elite attitudes towards it (The events of the June 30 Revolution as an example) Survey study

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the treatment frameworks of the news programs presented in specialized Arab satellite channels for the democratic transformation and the trends of the elite towards them, by applying the events of the June 30 Revolution as a model, the study relied on the survey method and used the tools of content analysis and questionnaire form. One of the most important results of the analysis was that Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera were characterized by bias towards one party at the expense of another party in the June 30 revolution, while Nile News tried to be neutral. The results of the field study showed that the higher the rate of viewing the elite channels studied, the greater the rate of adoption of the elite frameworks for news processors channels.

Main Subjects