The output elements in the printed Egyptian economic newspapers



The study aims to identify the layout elements in the printed Egyptian economic newspapers by applying them to a sample of economic newspapers. The sample of the study is based on the survey method; the tool was used to analyze the content of the formal elements. The most important results of the study is the variety of methods of output in the economic newspapers in this sample study, where several newspapers appeared to combine more than one style and theology in the design of the pages throughout the analysis period.
The importance of the study in two parts, the first part is the scientific importance is represented in some points such as (1) the lack of Arabic and foreign studies that dealt with the journalistic output of the Egyptian economic newspapers. Most of the studies focused on their contents without taking them out, (2) the vital importance of economic issues and their direct impact on Egyptian society and the progress of Egypt, (3) Increase interest in economic issues in the Egyptian press and took more space in the daily newspapers led to the emergence of specialized newspapers in the economy only. The second part is the practical importance and contains the following points: 1) this study is an indicator of the contact person in the printed economic newspapers to ascertain the importance of the preferences in the output of the economic newspapers. , (3) emphasize the importance of the preferences of the project and the application of the principles of design in the printed newspapers under study and the use of specialists.
The study reached a number of results, the most important are: The majority of the economic newspapers used the sample of the study as "Standard" as (83.3%), while the Tabloid was (16.7%).
The main headlines in the economic newspapers were the sample (62.4%). (17.4%), followed by (Primary titles) in third place (14.7%), and fixed titles ranked fourth (4.1%), while (Secondary titles) ranked fifth and final (1.4%). The personal images were at the top of the types of images used in the economic newspapers sample of the study, with a percentage of (59.6%). In the second place came the (objective images) percentage by (31.5%), and then replaced (expression images) in the third place and the last (5.4%).

Finally, some of the topics in the study papers were characterized by a relatively small line on the rest of the subjects, due to the different collection of material or the large size of the subject, forcing the director to reduce the size of the font to accommodate the editorial material. In the economic newspapers, the sample did not show the sample of the study during the period of analysis (66.7%), while in economic newspapers it was 33.3%. All the newspapers used black density in commenting on the drawings used in economic newspapers. This is due to the newspaper's desire to attract the attention of the reader to the explanatory comment of the drawings because of its importance on the one hand and because they often contain data or economic indicators that need further explanation and interpretation.

Main Subjects