Semiological codes and its significances from the collection of short stories package of flower By Turkish Author Mamdouh Shauket Esendal Study and Translation

Document Type : Original Article



The Ottoman Empire has experienced many geopolitical crises. It has entered a period of geographic collapse and loss of control over its territory. As a result of the many economic, political and military crises experienced by the State, it is necessary to create a new vision for the State and a course of reform. The view of some of the need to stick to the legacy of the Ottoman Empire while others saw the need to follow Western policies, especially France to promote the state, and with the continued conflict of views and ideas on the reform approach led to the penetration of some concepts of Western cultures to Turkish society, with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk revolution Kemalip and the abolition of the Caliphate and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey according to new principles that are the locomotive of the Republic to achieve progress, Kemalist principles have come to change the cultural infrastructure of the community Turkish, pay about moult on condition of anonymity.
Literature was not immune to all these social and political interactions. Many writers, in one way or another, attempted to present their vision of the reform approach through their literary works, hence the importance of the Turkish writer Mamdouh Shawkat Asandal. In addition to being a writer, He was also a close adviser to the rulers of those countries, as well as Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a prominent politician and a member of the Republican People's Party. He also held a military post in the party and also served as a teacher in many Of different schools , In addition to his proficiency in many languages, including Persian and Russian, enabling him to see the cultures of many peoples and communities.
Based on the literary, political and diplomatic background of the writer Mamdouh Shawkat Asandal, in addition to the geopolitical interactions within the Ottoman Empire and until the establishment of the Republic, it was necessary to understand the political and social dimensions of the writer, so that the reader could have to address the Semimological systems and its significances in the writings of Asandal In order to access the texts and understanding the value of the real text and thus understanding the philosophical vision of the writer and to develop his views on the reform approach, which was about the interest in education, youth and women, although necessary to quote some ideas about West civilizations  As a path to reform, but it must be far from Turkish identity.

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