Bridge Course as a Learning Device

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D Methods of Teaching English/ University of Baghdad/ College of Education / Ibn Rushd/ Department of English


Bridge Courses are preparatory courses that are designed by different universities all across the globe.
    They are connecting courses that connect a student’s previous course and the course student wants to join so that they don’t have to begin from the start of the course the student wants to take and it is different from the course he is pursuing .
   The objective of the Bridge Course is to demystify what is expected of students in pre university level classes and to provide adequate foundation in the core applied science subject and English limited to moderate level so that students do not face any difficulty when the classes commence.
    Bridging courses are short, focused learning programs designed to help high school students enter higher education institutions. They are also designed to get out-of- school children the opportunity to take informal classes for one year as a bridge into the formal school system .  They bridge the gap in academic content of one grade and the next .
   Bridge courses can be considered as valuable information that can be given to understudies to confer fundamental information in them about the serious subjects that will be educated to them in the impending future.
  The bridge course defines children on the basis of age and standard of study .
   Concerning English teaching and learning, Bridge courses is a performance-based and curriculum-embedded assessment tool designed to help teachers identify intellectual strength and construct learning profiles of individual  students.


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